Healing Order

The purpose of the Sufi Healing Order is to awaken humanity to a greater realization of the power of the Divine Spirit to heal, and thus to bring about a better state of physical, mental and spiritual health.

—Hazrat Pir-o-Murshid Inayat Khan

The Sufi Healing Order’s mission is to kindle awakening in all of us. Work in the Healing Order is a deeply personal experience. As one becomes more attuned to the breath and the healing presence in oneself and others, one’s capacity to be of service grows as well.

Pir-o-Murshid Inayat Khan gave us the gift of the Healing Circle. The person seeking healing asks for his or her name to be put on the healing list. A circle of people gather, tune to healing together through concentration and prayer, and then send that healing energy to those who have asked. The effect can be profound. The Healing Conductor may offer classes in conjunction with the healing circle.

For more information about the times and locations of activities in your area please contact: M’Ellen Kennedy, 802-453-5469, Mellenken@aol.com